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Tyneside Badminton Centre // Privacy policy

Privacy Policy

Outlining Tyneside Badminton Centre Policy regarding the nature, collection, storage, use and removal of personal data.

Nature of personal data

Tyneside Badminton Centre obtains the following information from clients:

  1. Name
  2. Address
  3. Landline Telephone number
  4. Mobile Telephone number
  5. E-mail
  6. Ethnicity
  7. Medical History
  8. Emergency contact name
  9. Emergency contact telephone number
  10. Date of birth
  11. Badminton Club they belong to
  12. School they attend

We collect different information from the above list for different client groups:

  • Casual users (1,3,4,5 from the above list)
  • Users attending formal sessions run by the centre (1-9 from the above list)
  • Junior users (up to and including 16 years old) entering a competition (1-12 from the above list)

Collection, storage & use of data

Tyneside Badminton Centre collects personal information from it’s customers via telephone, our website, post, email and face to face at the reception desk via competition of a registration form.

Hard copies of our clients’ personal data are stored securely in locked cabinet within the centre. Access to this cabinet is restricted to staff and directors of Tyneside Badminton Centre.

Electronic records of clients’ personal data is stored on secure, password protected servers. Access to the necessary passwords is restricted to staff and directors of Tyneside Badminton Centre.

Casual Users

In the case of casual users, their name, telephone details and e-mail address is first and foremost used for the management of court bookings. Casual users registering these details are offered the opportunity of opting in or out to receiving marketing  e-mails from the centre.

Users attending formal sessions run by the centre

Users attending formal sessions run by the centre submit the same information used casual users, plus home address, emergency contact details, medical history and ethnicity. This additional information is predominantly to help staff manage medical emergencies. In the case of ethnicity, this information is used to help compile statistical reports for grant providers both current and potentially in the future. Users attending formal sessions run by the centre are offered the opportunity of opting in or out to receiving marketing e-mails from the centre.

Junior users (up to and including 16 years old) entering a competition

For Junior users, we collect all information listed in the “Nature of Personal Data” section at the start of this document. Contact details, rather than belonging to the child, belongs to the parent/guardian completing the form i.e. we ask for the parents’ email and telephone number, not the child’s. The child’s date of birth is included so they can be placed in the correct age category of competition. The club or school where they participate in badminton is asked for in order to be included in tournament reports.


Customers can have their personal records removed by:

  • Unsubscribing from newsletters
  • Emailing

In the case of electronic data this will be permanently deleted.

In the case of paper records these will be shredded.

Third Parties

No personal information collected by the Tyneside Badminton Centre is passed on to third parties.